Full Cast Audio Books - Are they Finally Ascendant?

The American Fathers is the best Full Cast Audiobook in America. We've got the creme de la creme of Chicago's acting community, including: Adrianne Cury, Amro Salama, Amy Montgomery, Antonio Castillo, Cameron Knight, Deb Doetzer, Fawzia Mirza, Jeff Cummings, Jennie Moreau, Juan Francisco Villa, Karin Anglin, Kevin Theis, Rebecca Cox, Scott Duff, Steve Downes, Tony Dobrowolski. 

If you're familiar with the work of any of these artists you know how true this statement is. This cast is awesome. Up until now, though, we've not only been the best full cast audiobboks in America, we've also been one of the few full cast audiobooks in America. It seems, however, we are no longer one of the few.

I just published the 4 Book Series on Audible, and as part of my usual metadata change requests to ACX, I noticed that having full cast in the "Narrated by" field has put us in interesting company on the Audible platform. 

Clicking on that link, the first thing that stood out for me was the updated audiobook version of one of my favorite novels: The Handmaid's Tale. I'm a big fan of Clair Danes', but I'm eager to hear the impact expanding the cast will have on the listening experience. 

And then there's the full cast presentation of The Divine Comedy: Inferno; Purgatorio; Paradiso. This book, along with The Notes From Underground, helped me see the power of storytelling.  

I'm hoping others in the U.S. have come to appreciate the beauty and strength of individual performances, especially when those performances are supported by sophisticated audio design. 



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