Louisiana City Fights Telecoms to Pass Fiber-Optic Law

The FCC’s Plan to Reboot Net Neutrality Might Transform Municipal Broadband
On The Media | Friday, February 21, 2014 
All across the country, communities are fighting to build their own broadband internet networks as an alternative to the services offered by big cable companies. However, these efforts have often been thwarted by legislation lobbied for by, you guessed it, the cable companies. Bob talks with James Baller, president of the Baller Herbst Law group, who has long been leading the legal charge on behalf of municipalities. Cake - Fashion Nugget GUESTS: James Baller HOSTED BY: Bob Garfield
CABLE BARONS Cable Barons 
On The Media | Friday, February 21, 2014 
The proposed merger of Comcast and Time Warner Cable could do more than mess with our TV and Internet bills. It could shape how many of us experience the flow of ideas. Brooke talks with communications law scholar Susan P. Crawford about the potential impact of this mega-merger on the information we access through Comcast's digital pipe. GUESTS: Susan Crawford HOSTED BY: Brooke Gladstone

Moyers on America: The Net @ Risk: Fiber in Lafayette Louisiana

Community Network Map

Why Are There No Big Cities with Municipal Broadband Networks?


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