False Equivalency: The Problem With Saying Everybody Is The Problem

Beltway Brain Fever: People Who Agree With Obama But Have to Pretend Otherwise »
A surprisingly widespread malady.

On The Media - The Problem With Saying Everyone Is The Problem »
Some of the coverage of the sequestration has been characterized as a "pox on both their houses" attitude towards the Democrats and Republicans who are, once again, inching us closer to the ...

"Mainstream media are happy when they can point fingers at everybody. Nonpartisan blame has no political downside. The problem with the shame on everyone false equivalency is that it doesn't answer basic questions you might have about the sequester."
+Brooke Gladstone 

"The problem is that their position is embraced by one of the parties and not by the other. They’re caught in a quandary. They can’t concede that one of the parties actually agrees with them. So to maintain their nonpartisanship, while advocating for a position in the debate that one of the parties has taken, they have to conceal the fact that one of the parties actually agrees with them and misleadingly present the issue as one where neither party agrees with them."
+Jonathan Chait 

On The Media - Why the Press Can't Play Referee, and Why they Should »
The Atlantic’s James Fallows believes that the failures we’re seeing in the sequestration coverage suggest a larger problem with our political system and the press that’s supposed to cover it. Fallows...


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