Chicago's Turnaround School Education Strategy

Chicago Police arrest school closing protesters camped outside Rahm Emanuel’s office - Chicago Sun-Times »
The circling and shouting of protesters began late Friday afternoon outside a La Salle Street entrance to City Hall. “No more school closings,” they hollered, hours after Chicago Public Schools annou...

Turnaround Schools | Chicago Tonight | WTTW »
Parents in some Chicago neighborhoods are angry by proposed changes made by Chicago Public Schools. We discuss the ideas and more on Chicago Tonight at 7:00 pm. In a round of sweeping changes, Chicago...

Turnaround Schools | Chicago Tonight | WTTW

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Groups plan downtown protest against CPS closings today »A list of Chicago schools targeted for closing may be months away, but the fight by community groups and the teachers union to thwart the district's plan is under way and continues with a scheduled do...


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