"Wall Street is extraordinarily powerful. Congress doesn't regulate them. The big banks regulate what Congress does."

Wall Street Lobbying Reaches Astonishing Milestone »
On Capitol Hill, it pays to pay. Wall Street certainly pays, and a new report unveils just how much, as well as what it gets in return.
Elect Democracy On F.I.R.E.

Washington’s Wall Street Sugar Daddies »
How much is democracy worth to you? If you’re like most people, it’s priceless. But for the hedge funds and insurance companies on Wall Street, it does have a price tag. And now, thanks to a new repor...

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JPMorgan Chase Trading Loss, Jamie Dimon Testimony - C-SPAN Video Library »
Jamie Dimon testified on JPMorgan Chase's $2 billion trading loss on May 10, 2012 He apologized for the trading losses, but he stressed that no taxpayer money was lost and that the bank remains fiscal...
Daily Kos: Jon Stewart rips Senators owned by JPMorgan Chase & other big banks »
Last night, Jon Stewart looked at the kid gloves treatment JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon got when he testified before the Senate Banking Committee yesterday. Special attention was paid to just how ....


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